Recipes: Tasty Marshmallow Shot Glasses

Toasted Marshmallow Shot Glasses 1I always love to embrace creativity! But when it involves a creamy liqueur and toasted marshmallows, I’m all ears! One of my absolute favorite sugary treats are toasted marshmallows. Yep, I’m one of those that will keep a bag of Jumbo’s in the back of the cabinet away from the kids and during naptime, on occasion, you can find me right in front of my stove with a fork and marshmallow toasting away! (Confession of a WAHM, LOL)

So here’s the scoop…I ran across this FABULOUS recipe on Tasty Toasted Marshmallow Shot Glasses! Perfection in my mouth! Check out exactly what to do to make these yourself! There is no being dainty about these shots either, you just have to take it like the BOSS that you are and shoot the whole thing in one big mouthful! Godere!


  • 4 marshmallows, regular size
  • 2 ounces any flavor liqueur
  • 2 forks
  • electric burner (or gas fireplace/burner)
  • plate


    1. Turn on your electric burner to red-hot high or fire up your gas stovetop.
    2. Stick a fork in a marshmallow, being careful not to pierce the bottom.
    3. Hold the marshmallow side 2-3 inches over the burner. When it begins to smoke and brown, turn it again. Brown all sides of the marshmallow evenly, excluding the top where the fork is. Use the second fork to hold the marshmallow on while browning the bottom.
    4. Slide the marshmallow off the fork onto a plate and allow to cool completely. The inside will implode naturally.
    5. Pour liqueur into the cooled marshmallow and shoot immediately. If you wait too long, it will soak through the marshmallow.
    6. Eat the marshmallow!

Things to Keep In Mind:

  • Toast all sides of the marshmallow evenly so you don’t get thin spots.
  • Have a fire extinguisher handy…seriously. This is dangerous. Don’t let your kids do the toasting part. Blah blah disclaimer blah.
  • Don’t burn the marshmallow too bad or the walls will get too thin.
  • Putting marshmallows in freezer to cool faster doesn’t work.
  • Only pour liqueur when ready to shoot, otherwise it will just soak through.
  • Make sure to have a plate underneath or you’ll have a big mess.
  • Don’t forget to eat the marshmallow after. YUM. Sticky, soppy, alcohol-y mess!

Thanks, for sharing!

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