Sunday Coffee Buzz with Mama Bee – 2/8/15

Good Morning Everyone! I wanted to start a New Series here on MBF! The Sunday Coffee Buzz with Mama Bee! I’ve been pretty hardcore about not posting deals on Sunday, ONLY because I need to communicate to my readers that Sunday is the day of rest for our Family. It is a time for me to do nothing other than focus on them and let them know how important and loved they are. But I also want you all to know that I am a real person, with real struggles, and real daily life happens for me also. So The Sunday Coffee Buzz will be a way for us to connect and talk about life. It’s going to be fun!

First, let’s get some basic facts about me out of the way, and you can begin to step into my world for just a bit.

20 Things About Me

1. Name: Michelle

2. I’ve been married for 10 years

3. Hometown: Campbell/Santa Clara, CA (we moved alot….so let’s just say Southbay to cover it all)

4. I have 4 Kids ages: 7, 4, 2, & 1…more to come.

5. We are a Homeschooling Family.

6. I LOVE wine!

7. I reside in Sonoma County, CA

8. Love to go camping and get off the grid.

9. We are a loud Italian family that loves to cook.

10. Love to go Hiking.

11. I really only truly love Vanilla Ice Cream, not really a Chocolate Fan.

12. If and when I have a Burger (which is not that often) I enjoy it topped with a Fried Egg.

13. I could listen to the rain all day long.

14. I have a huge soft spot in my heart to always give to others regardless of my circumstances.

15. I love God, we are very much a Christian family and are thankful to Jesus every day for our blessings.

16. My house is always in a state of disarray in some fashion or another, even though it may not seem like it. There is always something that is dirty and on my mind to clean.

17. My closet is color coordinated.

18. If I don’t make my bed everyday I know that my day will not go as I need it to. Therefore, as soon as I get up. It’s the 1st thing I do.

19. I worked at the Olive Garden for nearly 10 years of my life. It was a great job. I met some amazing people, that I still talk to til this day. I love each of my OG friends, cuz yes…they are like family.

20. I love to get in a good workout each day, it gives me energy to be able to keep up with how crazy our life is with 4 kids!

Alright, I think that gives you a pretty good idea of the type of person I am. I do have mild OCD when it comes to certain things. I will be the person that comes up after you if the salt and pepper are not facing the right direction. Or tell you if you missed a belt loop (one of my biggest pet peeves), oh & when I vacuum it is not just my goal to clean but to get perfect straight lines on the carpet. Say what you want, but I know you like see those lines also. LOL.

On another note, today it’s pretty rainy here in Northern California. We really need the rain. We had a very dry month of January, so we will take every bit of rain we can. Lucky me, I get to go and spend an hour at the Girl Scout Cookie Booth for my daughters troop. Hopefully the location has an awning or something to stand under. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a wet time.

This week coming up is Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait! We don’t do a whole lot. But one tradition we do in our family is have fondue with the Kids on Valentine’s Day. It’s always a good time. They love it, because we don’t do fondue very often. Plus, the dessert is always to die for. I think they just like the thought of a big pot of melted chocolate at their disposal sitting in front of them. I’ll be sure to take pictures and post for you next week!

Not much is going on this coming week, just the normal day to day madness that we have. There are some great deals I think I’ll be going after. I really need to find a good diaper deal though. There haven’t been too many. But I’ll get in on something I suppose.

Well, off to start the day. I hear kids’ beds squeaking, and that means little feet will be hitting the ground soon. Have a Great Week everyone! I’ll see you back here next Sunday. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day! Sending you lots of LOVE this week! xo Ciao, Mama Bee



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