Tip: Freeze & Preserve Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil

Herb Ice Cubes

Do you buy those cute individually packaged container of herbs that cost ~$3.00ea and use only one sprig of the herbs out of it? I do it all too much. Then I don’t make a recipe for a few weeks using that herb and it seems that it goes to waste! Well, let me share an easy tip for you!

Herbs Ice Cube Tray

Get your hands on an inexpensive ice cube tray to be used just for food items. Then once you are all done with the herb you are using. Break it down into each section of the ice cube tray. Fill it with Olive Oil and Freeze! Once Frozen then seperate each herb (if you have multiple) into Freezer Safe Ziploc bags!

When you need that herb just take out an ice cube and Voila! Fresh herbs at your Fingertips! Brilliant isn’t it? Happy Cooking!


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